Before the Ban: A decentralized index of social media users and where to find their content
November 8, 2018 7:42 AM   Subscribe

Before the Ban: A decentralized index of social media users and where to find their content
Before the Ban makes a user’s social media network portable, providing a way for followers to always find a user’s latest accounts and content, even after a suspension, termination, or “shadow ban”. It is designed to be censorship resistant and platform agnostic.

At its core, Before the Ban lets people make claims about their accounts, and allows others to agree or disagree with those claims. On a technical level, these claims and “witnesses” create a decentralized web of trust for the connections between social media users, and their content streams. All claims are expressed with digitally signed (immutable, verifyable) files, which can be stored anywhere and shared through decentralized services like IPFS.

See the White paper for technical details and in-depth analysis.
Role: Founder
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