Legal News in one place
June 27, 2017 11:49 AM Subscribe
Legal News in one place
As a practicing attorney I am continually struggling to keep up with the latest in the legal blogosphere. RSS readers are great, but many of us need something less cumbersome and more easily glanced-at (often on a firm computer!). I put together a simple river-of-news style page that continually updates throughout the day with the latest news from some of the most popular legal blogs. No ads or attempts at monetization, I just found it helpful and hope someone else can too.
As a practicing attorney I am continually struggling to keep up with the latest in the legal blogosphere. RSS readers are great, but many of us need something less cumbersome and more easily glanced-at (often on a firm computer!). I put together a simple river-of-news style page that continually updates throughout the day with the latest news from some of the most popular legal blogs. No ads or attempts at monetization, I just found it helpful and hope someone else can too.
Role: Creator/etc
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posted by tmcw at 7:06 AM on June 28, 2017 [2 favorites]