Red Flags "Read-In"
March 28, 2017 8:23 AM   Subscribe

Red Flags "Read-In"
Reading for Change! April 2nd event will be online, everywhere.

I've posted about my Read-Ins on the blue and the green. Well, I'm committed to the idea and now looking for ways to publicize and gain support. THIS IS A MONTHLY EVENT on the second day of every month. The above currently links to a facebook event page (hi, I'm an urban farmer!), but I am considering making a website or dedicated facebook page.

Because rain is in the forecast for NOLA, I decided to make the April 2 Read-in an ONLINE PROTEST. It occurred to me that this is much more inclusive, and that people all over the world can participate. All you have to do is read a book and post about it on social media. Have some friends over and do it book club style, or take the kids to the library and post from there, or just snuggle up on the couch with your tablet.

My only real goal is to get the hashtag #readingisresistance trending on that day -- but I'm also hoping to eventually raise money for charity with these protests. (I'm particularly interested in helping refugee children, but I'm open to other ideas.)

I'm also making mini red flag pins out of felt that I'd like to give away. Like the pink pussy hats I think it's a super-easy, recognizable icon that really anyone can make. "Red Flag Swag" came to me so I'm running with that -- I love to sew so I'm going to put some patches on my clothes/backpack/etc.

Thanks for everything, MeFi! This place keeps me sane :)
Role: creator
posted by polly_dactyl (1 comment total)

posted by polly_dactyl at 8:46 AM on March 28, 2017

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