Poems for the resistance: a poem a day keeps fascism at bay
January 23, 2017 7:37 AM   Subscribe

Poems for the resistance: a poem a day keeps fascism at bay
I'm putting together a poem a day project aimed at cultivating hope and grace. I would so love if you subscribed.

Here's the intro from the first post, after that it's just great poems in your inbox.

Our 45th president had no poems at his inauguration. That's a shame. Not just because it speaks to a lack of support for America's great writers here and gone. Not just because it speaks to a fundamental lack of literacy, nor lack of empathy or care or curiosity or grace or wonder or any of those great things poetry is about.

But because I love poems! I like to think poems are potent drops of language that have come through the great big copper still. Like other distilled things, they can really knock you out. Let's read some together. I'll try to send along poems of hope and grace every day or so-- all killer, no filler.

History professor Timothy Snyder compiled a 20 point guide to upholding democratic values when fascism closes in. Number 6 is "be kind to language."
Let's at least start there.
Role: editor
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