Etch To Their Own
January 21, 2017 7:22 AM   Subscribe

Etch To Their Own
A poetry newsletter, every Friday. It starts with poetry - usually highlighting a few nice things from the week, and from there I try and connect things to bigger ideas, or news items.

The last couple of years have been tough and unthinking - or rather my thinking had become urgent, combative, directed - not the exploratory, interesting and kind.

As part of some kind of self imposed rehabilitation plan, I've begun drafting these short newsletter on Fridays. Here's the first (Some Thingss Aren/nt) and the second (Fist Search).

Themes run from directly poetic to culture, technology, writing, systems, rituals, and occasional politics.

I try to read as much poetry as is freshly published each week online, so at the very worst, it might be a useful place to see new work that's already passed through one additional quality filter.

I'd like to start adding interviews, conversations, recordings and so on.

Any feedback welcome - especially if to correct a typo!
Role: Writer, Editor, Sender
posted by CjEggett (2 comments total)

Just a note to add that this has been successfully sent for 30 weeks now. You can see all the old issues here.
posted by CjEggett at 12:02 AM on August 9, 2017

Hi anyone who looks in here at all, but ETTO is over a year old now :)
posted by CjEggett at 7:25 AM on February 7, 2018

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