2 Distinct Motions presents Arctic Project X
May 26, 2006 8:09 PM

2 Distinct Motions presents Arctic Project X
My theatre troupe, 2 Distinct Motions just launched its website. Come see our upcoming original work Arctic Project X! (Or see a video selection froom our last production here (.mov)) Arctic Project X is set in two conference rooms connected through a video-conferencing system, with a mix of audience and actors in each room.

The play is an interactive meeting (audience participation) in the year 2027 between the Afluviex Trans-Global corporation and the Naartu Aaamaq Artist Collective. Thanks to arctic thaw, Afluviex has made a killing shipping oil through the arctic, and has commissioned the NAAC (with their ties to Inuit artist Sila-Inua Qavuvu and pop star Mano) to create a sculpture that will celebrate their success and clean up their image.
posted by jrb223 (0 comments total)

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