June 17, 2011 3:10 PM   Subscribe

GoodListnr is sortof like a chatroom with a playlist. People can upload music and add it to the queue, and the tracks get played in order, and everyone listens to the same thing at the same time.

See previously. Like many people, I loved Listening Room back in January but thought a few features could be improved. So after much fiddling about and jQuery swotting, here is my take on it.

You can create your own room and invite whoever, but the official unofficial mefi room is here:

A special (and experimental) feature for the mefi room: An RSS feed (or Atom) that reports the number of people in the room - the idea being you can use this to figure out when a session is in session.

I've learnt loads doing this, and so its been worth it just for that. I plan to keep the site going as a showcase, but probably not scale it up or expand it. I like the idea of it being a hangout for friends, nestled away on a quiet internet backstreet.

I was originally inspired by Listening Room (currently in private beta with lots of new features), as was Narwhal Bacon who built an awesome open-source version called Collaborative Jukebox. I recently discovered that Listening Room was not the first or last in the field. MixApp has been going for a while, as has MuMuPlayer. and (invite only) have sprung up in the last few months. compared to those, my effort feels rather homespun : )
Role: developer
posted by memebake (21 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite

For the mefi room to be fun, there kinda needs to be a critical mass of 4 or 5 people there at the same time (when I made the original beta post the room got really busy, and much fun was had). Its been a bit quiet since this Projects post went up, so for those interested, I'll suggest a 'meetup' time for a session in the mefi room:

Lets try for Tue 21st June, at 20:00 uk time - thats 15:00 est (ny), 12:00 pst (la), or 19:00 gmt.

You are of course also welcome to pop in any other time, and subscribing to the aforementioned feed may help you find each other in there.
posted by memebake at 6:29 AM on June 19, 2011

I'll try to be there, if I have my time frame right. Thanks, memebake!
posted by taz at 7:44 AM on June 19, 2011

might have to drag my tired ass out of the shop for that! might be nice to be there with others, though, as a Gemini, it's nice to be there with myselves too
posted by Redhush at 8:33 AM on June 20, 2011

For Greasemonkey fans, here is a greasemonkey script that will get the number of people in the GoodListnr mefi room (via the RSS feed) and then report it at the top of the metafilter sidebar. It caches the result for 10 mins so it won't keep polling when it doesn't need to.

(also, feel free to improve the script if you're a greasemonkeymonkey, its my first gm script and I copied most of it)
posted by memebake at 1:59 PM on June 20, 2011 [1 favorite]

Whee! I got it; it works! That's excellent. I'm afraid I can't join the lone soul in the room at the moment, since it's going on 2 am here, but this is way helpful!
posted by taz at 3:45 PM on June 20, 2011

Actually... it messes up favoriting for me (FF5) on MeFi front page and in threads on the blue. When trying to favorite there with the script installed I get this message: The page is still loading, please wait to add favorites.
posted by taz at 10:50 PM on June 20, 2011

Ah sorry. OK, I think I have fixed it, if you reinstall the greasemonkey script.

had never noticed before but the sidebar is only on the front page.....
posted by memebake at 12:56 AM on June 21, 2011

Now I can favorite in threads, but not from the front page. (Not a big deal for me, but just so you know.)
posted by taz at 2:15 AM on June 21, 2011

How do you favourite from the front page ... oh, thats what the little + is for.

Ok, greasemonkey fail by me then. I'll look at it tonight, sorry!
posted by memebake at 5:55 AM on June 21, 2011

I hardly ever favorite from the front page anyway... only if I've forgotten to do it while I'm in the thread – but I tried it when I couldn't do it in the thread, and then tested it again on the new version.

Your Greasemonkey script is a bajllion times better than any Greasemonkey script I've ever written (none). :)
posted by taz at 8:46 AM on June 21, 2011

This is brilliant with TWO users in the room; I can only imagine how awesome it would be with four or five.
posted by Shepherd at 10:59 AM on June 21, 2011

Currently nine in the room, plenty of space for more
posted by memebake at 12:30 PM on June 21, 2011

Still going!
posted by memebake at 4:42 PM on June 21, 2011

I had a great virtual time. Many thanks, memebake. I appreciate your time and efforts, as well as the exposure to tunes I normally would never hear
posted by Redhush at 10:02 AM on June 22, 2011

I'm loving this. I would love it even more if you could post a youtube url as an option instead of uploading a song, but I understand that's probably a totally different thing.
posted by misskaz at 2:29 PM on June 22, 2011

Another wee glitch I noticed with the Greasemonkey script running (in my FF5) is that inline display of Youtube, etc. links aren't showing up inline on the front page -- they open in a new page instead.

(In threads, they open inline as usual.)
posted by taz at 2:36 AM on June 23, 2011

Thanks taz. At some point I'll sort it out. Yes, youtube would a good idea misskaz - I'll have a think about it. I gather that MixApp can do youtubes.

Right now there's a few of us in the mefi room with a 'last two letters of previous track title = first two letters of next track title' theme going on ...
posted by memebake at 10:15 AM on June 23, 2011

I think I might have fixed the glitches in the GreaseMonkey script, with Plutor's help. Send me a mefi mail if you still get problems.
posted by memebake at 1:43 PM on June 28, 2011

Well, a couple of months on the site is pretty quiet, but still there. There are various groups of forum people and shadowy cabals that drop in from time to time for an 8 hour session, but then other times nothing happens for days. Various friends of mine use it from time to time, and also several groups of people who I don't know.

I might re-arrange the internal architecture a bit (just to experiment with some domain driven ideas) and then I might as well open-source it once the code's a bit tidier.
posted by memebake at 12:52 PM on August 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

I check the tally bar at the top of the MeFi main bar every time I log on, but never click through and sit passively; largely because after a couple of minutes I forget I have it in a tab and then either close the browser or get the living shit scared out of me when somebody uploads a tune.
posted by Shepherd at 4:25 PM on August 23, 2011

Is this site gone now?

Sorry I didn't check it out til now. I wasn't on Mefi much when it came live.
posted by philipy at 4:04 AM on January 30, 2012

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