IE6 Funeral
February 22, 2010 1:48 PM Subscribe
IE6 Funeral
Now that Google is dropping support for IE6, my office thought it would be fun to hold a funeral for the browser that just won't (wouldn't?) die, hoping we can help get it to the grave. We made a website for the funeral announcement, and also as a place where those who can't attend can still share their memories.
Now that Google is dropping support for IE6, my office thought it would be fun to hold a funeral for the browser that just won't (wouldn't?) die, hoping we can help get it to the grave. We made a website for the funeral announcement, and also as a place where those who can't attend can still share their memories.
This project was posted to MetaFilter by kbrower3 on February 22, 2010: IE6 Funeral
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posted by grobstein at 1:53 PM on February 22, 2010 [1 favorite]