Quit Nukes
September 8, 2009 3:13 PM   Subscribe

Quit Nukes
Fellow mefite cal71 and I put together this short film with some other collaborators to enter into the United Nations' We Must Disarm campaign's short film contest. It's a brief satire on the subject of nuclear disarmament.
posted by jrb223 (3 comments total)

What's the world coming to when a man can't have a nuke in the privacy of his own apartment. I mean, I can see having to go outside with your nukes at the workplace, but at home, you should be able to have a nuclear zone if you want one.

The only thing I'd do differently is cut the "brain on nukes" bit. It kinda mixes your metaphors PSAs. Either make the comparison to being uncool like smoking, or addictive and bad like drugs.
posted by cjorgensen at 7:05 AM on September 9, 2009

I really enjoyed that! The only critique I have is the sound. Some of the times the music begins or ends it's a little rough. Maybe create a quick fade-in instead of just starting it at full volume?
posted by One Second Before Awakening at 10:45 AM on September 23, 2009

Thanks for the comments and votes everyone! Just a quick update, we took third place in the contest, the other two winners have been announced here.
posted by jrb223 at 7:00 AM on October 3, 2009

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