Raygun Gothic Rocketship: The Tomorrow That Never Was
July 15, 2009 5:30 PM   Subscribe

Raygun Gothic Rocketship: The Tomorrow That Never Was
Cohen introduced us and explained that Dialta [a noted pop-art historian] was the prime mover behind the latest Barris-Watford project, an illustrated history of what she called "American Streamlined Modern." Cohen called it "raygun Gothic." Their working title was The Airstream Futuropolis: The Tomorrow That Never Was. – William Gibson, The Gernsback Continuum
The RAYGUN GOTHIC ROCKETSHIP is an immersive rocket base environment consisting of a tall metal rocket connected via walkway to a taller gantry with a well-defined lighted perimeter. Participants can interactively explore the rocket's three interior chambers accessible through the bottom of the rocket and the top of the rocket via the gantry. Aesthetically the project will be done in a rococo retro-futurist vernacular between yesterday's tomorrow and the future that never was, a critical kitsch somewhere between The Moons of Mongo & Manga Nouveau.

posted by ...possums (3 comments total)

The RGR will be featured in the August 2009 issue of Modern Steel Construction: http://www.modernsteel.com/

We also have a "teaser trailer" video up now: http://raygungothicrocket.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/the-raygun-gothic-rocketship-teaser/
posted by ...possums at 1:30 PM on July 21, 2009

What an undertaking!
posted by yoz420 at 12:13 AM on August 25, 2009

Thanks! Although, we had some difficulties during the countdown to launch.
posted by ...possums at 5:34 PM on October 1, 2009

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