ChuckleBoard - Expandable soundboard app for iPhone
April 3, 2009 7:34 PM   Subscribe

ChuckleBoard - Expandable soundboard app for iPhone
ChuckleBoard is the most flexible soundboard application for your iPhone or iPod Touch. We don't tell you what sounds you can have, we enable you to download soundboards from our library, and to add new soundboards through a simple web-based interface.

Though I won't be offering special pricing of the paid app in the store, all soundboards created and published on or before April 20 will be available to users of the free application. This is the equivalent of offering full functionality for free, and those soundboards will continue to be available to downloaders of the free app.

I developed the iPhone and web app myself - the only assistance I had was with the logo creation. By day I'm a managing consultant for a company that provides software development services to one of the largest electricity retailers in North America; by night I plan global domination, one sound clip at a time.
posted by lowlife (0 comments total)

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