Man-Man Comics: superheroic satire since 2001!
August 10, 2008 7:47 AM   Subscribe

Man-Man Comics: superheroic satire since 2001!
With well over 1300 strips in the archives (plus another 1000 or so from the first version of the strip), Man-Man is hardly a "new" project, but continues to evolve...

Starting from the simple premise of a man who is bitten by a radioactive man and develops the proportionate strength, speed and agility of a man back waaaaaay back in 2000, Man-Man has turned into a long-running satire of superheroes and sitcoms with a cast of dozens. Frankly, I can't believe we've been at it for eight years now.

The second series is composed (for the most part) of 30-strip "Episodes". The last episode focused entirely on two side characters trying to rob a bank, but Episode 46, starting today, is a good jumping-on point that focuses on the core cast: Man-Man, his reluctant sidekick/housemate Paul, and their terrible butler Frenchy.

On the whole, the series is as much about a writer trying to get a grip on four-panel comedy writing, and an artist developing a style, as it is about an overenthusiastic lunatic. It's not always as funny (or as coherent) that I'd like, but boy howdy, it sure is long.

The start of the first series
Reboot for the second series
posted by Shepherd (0 comments total)

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