Help the family of Marisol Caceres
August 7, 2008 7:53 PM   Subscribe

Help the family of Marisol Caceres
Marisol was strangled to death by her father in Northeast Washington, DC last week. More on that here and here. Her mother speaks no English, and is in the US on a temporary work visa -- and is obviously missing a lot of work right now. Her brother's a friend of mine, and there are other children, too. They need money, really badly -- to pay cell phone bills, rent, but especially to move out of the apartment where the crime happened. I've written a blog post memorializing Marisol and asking for donations to the family to help them move, eat, and pay bills during a devastating time in their lives. Please, if you can, visit the post and donate a little something -- even just the price of dinner and a few drinks -- and help them out. The family's going through enough as it is -- the fear of impending homelessness shouldn't have to be a part of it, too. Thanks so much.
posted by chinese_fashion (0 comments total)

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