Bombs and Daisies
July 25, 2008 12:00 PM   Subscribe

Bombs and Daisies
Just a little tech demo to demonstrate using networking in Flash, and writing servers in Java. Plant flowers, blow them up.

I've already posted this to another site I'm on, and I think I've got the kinks worked out. I figure posting it here will give it more of stress test. Let me know if NYTHING GOES WRONG.
posted by fnerg (4 comments total)

Ah, I get it. Daisycutter.
posted by netbros at 9:36 PM on July 25, 2008

How does it work? I am not seeing anything but grass.
posted by that girl at 12:26 PM on July 28, 2008

Ports 2187 and 2188 are probably firewalled.
posted by fnerg at 10:04 PM on July 28, 2008

Okay, that's a good reason--I think any port not 23 or 80 is blocked here.
posted by that girl at 5:12 AM on July 29, 2008

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