FlickrTwitterThinker: Thinking Other People's Thoughts
June 8, 2008 10:13 PM   Subscribe

FlickrTwitterThinker: Thinking Other People's Thoughts
Playing around with the Twitter API, and created a project where recent Twitter comments are superimposed over tagged Flickr photos. Users can upload photos to Flickr, and the tags help the thought balloons to be positioned correctly/automatically.

The impulse behind this was to come up with a project where users could contribute content, and influence things directly/immediately. I wanted the barrier to entry to be as low as possible, and to make the contribution process quick and easy.

The tags in the photos (FlickrTwitterThinkerLeft and FlickrTwitterThinkerRight) help to determine where the thought bubbles get positioned. Users can contribute serious poses (thoughtful, pensive) or silly ones (angry, excited, confused). And of course, the silly ones tend to create for some pretty interesting combinations.
posted by avoision (3 comments total)

Awesome idea, well executed, great fun, love it! :)
posted by Dio at 7:09 AM on June 9, 2008

Heh. That's pretty dang neat, avoision.
posted by cortex at 8:15 AM on June 9, 2008

ah, how far the exquisite corpse has come!

it's a great idea but here's one possible problem: how are you going to screen for spam? when I first loaded the page the random search started automatically & the first several thought bubbles all contained the same spammy-sounding message for weight loss - it wasn't until I entered a search term that the more interesting bits of text began to appear

(the idea of spam in our thoughts is scary)
posted by jammy at 6:30 AM on June 10, 2008

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