The last training partner you'll ever need.
March 27, 2008 8:06 AM
The last training partner you'll ever need.
This is my first attempt at a solo phpbb bulletin board implementation. Actually, it's my first real programming effort EVER. A friend and I decided to start a bulletin board for the regular-guy/girl lifter, whether they be someone who lifts on their own or is just looking to finally step into a gym... either for the first time or for the first time in a LONG time. It's basically about having a community resource that is packed with knowledgeable people. I'm not posting this to drive up hits... after all to really make a difference you'd have to register. LOL. I just wanted you'se guy's critique of my first attempt at being the developer for a phpbb site... tips, tricks, obvious mistakes, etc. Thanks!! p.s. the cheesy logo is temporary until we can find someone (fandango??) to make us a logo...
This is my first attempt at a solo phpbb bulletin board implementation. Actually, it's my first real programming effort EVER. A friend and I decided to start a bulletin board for the regular-guy/girl lifter, whether they be someone who lifts on their own or is just looking to finally step into a gym... either for the first time or for the first time in a LONG time. It's basically about having a community resource that is packed with knowledgeable people. I'm not posting this to drive up hits... after all to really make a difference you'd have to register. LOL. I just wanted you'se guy's critique of my first attempt at being the developer for a phpbb site... tips, tricks, obvious mistakes, etc. Thanks!! p.s. the cheesy logo is temporary until we can find someone (fandango??) to make us a logo...
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