pb's votes
Displaying vote 81 to 100 of 164

Garkov -- Garfield + Markov chains
Garkov is a comic strip generator that uses Markov chains to synthesize new Garfield strips based on transcripts of several hundred existing strips. The output varies nicely from plausible to surreal to downright incoherent.
posted by cortex at 8:20 AM on June 6, 2008 - 30 comments

The Big Picture
A photo blog on boston.com (from the Boston Globe). Updated semi-regularly, entries in The Big Picture will consist almost entirely of a series of large, quality, news-worthy photos from wire feeds and other varied sources - each tied together by some related storyline.
posted by kokogiak at 7:59 AM on June 2, 2008 - 10 comments

Instant Agility: Build Your Own Dog Agility Equipment
How to build cheap-and-cheerful dog agility equipment using materials found in your local hardware store, along with some training tips from Mrs. Maxwelton. There are a number of other sites that do this, but not that many have clear step-by-step instructions. So far we've only had time to add a few obstacles, but hope to add a few more over the course of the summer...
posted by maxwelton at 4:52 PM on May 27, 2008

Musings of a Metafilter Spammer
Anybody who visits Metafilter regularly knows the drill. Someone signs up for the singular purpose of spamming the Metafilter frontpage, makes their mandatory three or four throwaway comments before being able to do so and is then beaten with the banhammer by our ever diligent moderators. By their very nature, these throwaway comments aren't the most significant contributions ever to be posted to Metafilter... until now! My new blog, 'Musings of a Metafilter Spammer' compiles the thoughts of each spammer in one single place, so you can read such thoughtful musings as "Nice!", "Wonder where I can get one?" and "Wow" before their posting rights (and their account) were forever deleted. And in doing so you'll get to laugh at the sheer simplicity of some of these asinine comments, and maybe stumble across some of the otherwise decent threads they used to make them in. A longer term goal is to use tags to document what these spammers are linking too, giving us a picture of what motivates someone to waste their $5 in a futile attempt at spamming one of the best communities on the internet.
posted by Effigy2000 at 11:46 AM on May 27, 2008 - 12 comments

Rough Equivalents: We Do The Silly Math So You Don't Have To
Ever wondered how much 100,000 kilometers of bologna slices weighs, how many pickled peppers are really in a peck, the horsepower in a Twinkie? Three times a week I ask these questions and then go find the answers. I just added a new calculators page where you can calculate distances in pennies, AA batteries, or squares of toilet paper, or you can find out how much you're worth if you're worth your weight in gold, spam, pretzels, or crude oil. It's lots of geeky fun. Hope you'll come along for the ride.
posted by semifamous at 9:53 PM on May 19, 2008

Mulder's Big Adventure
Join us on a magical journey as Cortex and I watch all 202 episodes of the X-Files. It's going to be a lot of alien conspiracy fueled blogging-- thankfully, we're mighty witty.
posted by Secretariat at 8:59 PM on May 12, 2008

I've spent the last few days conducting a comprehensive review, and constructing an annotated index, of the use of variations of the phrase "hurf durf" on Metafilter. The index covers 357 separate comments (and 10 posts) on various parts of the site, in chronological order.
posted by cortex at 1:49 PM on April 20, 2008

Photoshop Disasters
Just as the Daily WTF showcases disastrous code, Photoshop Disasters is a showcase for the most egregious examples of Art Direction gone awry. If you work with digitally enhanced images in a commercial setting please consider submitting your competitors' fiascoes, disasters and misadventures. After all, there is never a problem so severe that it can't be ridiculed.
posted by Cosmo7 at 5:31 PM on March 5, 2008

Hide images in text with CSS3
I saw a post on using CSS3 to change a selection's background. I played around and came up with this. Put in some text, an image url and it'll hide the image in the text selection.
posted by slactoid at 6:21 PM on February 4, 2008

Metafilter Data Playground [currently down]
Do you know SQL and want to play around with metafilter data? This online tool lets you run SELECT queries online. Results can be viewed or exported to CSV. Can also be used to export data for use in another program.
posted by null terminated at 8:51 AM on January 29, 2008

The Apple Keynote Index Fund
What if you invested in Apple the day before the keynote and then sold your shares a day or two later? What if you did this for the past ten years Steve Jobs has taken the stage at Macworld SF?
posted by mathowie at 12:52 PM on December 31, 2007

Fray is Back!
Many MeFites will remember Fray from back in the day. From 1996-2005, it was a website devoted to true personal stories. It's been reborn as a printed quarterly book. The first issue Busted! True Stories of Getting Caught in the Act, will be published in January. You can read some of the stories now: Ugly in Norwalk by bank robber Joe Loya; Hobo Balls, about a wine tasting gone awry, by Eric Spitznagel; and Going Under, an interview with an undercover cop by Leah Peterson. Fray is community-suported, and they're open for subscriptions now.
posted by fraying at 8:55 PM on December 3, 2007

The Alphabet Wall.
An initiative sponsored by The Warren Street Literacy / Vandalism Project. You are too late to see it in real life, but through the wonders of the Internet it has now been made real, and archived for eternity. Many thanks to my brother StickyCarpet for providing these photographs.
posted by Meatbomb at 10:06 AM on November 29, 2007

First Snow: A Flickr-Generated Poem
This project is a visualization of a poem I wrote, and searches Flickr for Creative Commons licensed photos that match randomly generated search terms ("snow," "snowfall," etc). It sorts the photos by the date-posted attribute, and retrieves a list of the 200 most recent photos posted. From there, it randomly selects a group, and displays them throughout the poem.

My idea with this project centers more around timing, and recency. The goal is that, as winter progresses, and as snowfall occurs, more and more people will be taking photographs and posting them to Flickr. As we transition into a new season, this poem will hopefully mirror that transition.

More info about the project here. And you can download/view the poem here (it's also released under a CC Attribution, Non-Commercial license. Hope you like it!
posted by avoision at 9:42 AM on November 28, 2007

Ron Is Right
The next time you find yourself dealing with an overly zealous Ron Paul supporter, just point them to RonIsRight.com.
posted by beaucoupkevin at 6:01 PM on November 25, 2007

An analogue variation on a digital theme.
I done did make book!
posted by peacay at 11:46 PM on October 19, 2007

Science! - Tee shirts on the edge of forever!
I'm opening a new t-shirt site (just what the world desperatly needs). I've been doing the shirt thing for a while now, but I've decided to try a different creative approach. Instead of doing just random designs, I'm trying to focus on a single concurrent theme all on its own. In this case I chose Science!, as in the absurd and mad variety of mere 'science'. Here's hoping you find them amusing.
posted by Jezztek at 10:50 PM on November 4, 2007

Ask the Optimist by George Saunders
This started as the biggest audio production I've ever done, then we added puppets and video. It's an adaptation of a great George Saunders story from his newest book, and features John Hodgman, Dan Klein from Kasper Hauser, Jonathan Coulton, Maria Bamford, Andy Daly, Jonathan Katz, Xeni Jardin and a bunch of other awesome people. The audio is by me, the video and puppetry adaptation is by Brian Hogg.
posted by YoungAmerican at 6:43 PM on October 11, 2007

Fun with the iPhone accelerometer
A couple of days worth of reverse engineering, but it finally works.
posted by you at 5:14 AM on August 27, 2007

What if FDR had been like GWB?
I got tired of right-wingers saying, “If the media had been as hard on FDR as they are on President Bush, we’d have lost World War II.” So I put together this short (2-minute) film to show what World War II would have been like if FDR really had been like GWB...
posted by yankeefog at 3:22 PM on July 31, 2007

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