7 posts tagged with legal and law.
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Psychedelic Drug Legislative Reform and Legalization in the US
I co-authored an article in JAMA Psychiatry investigating the rapidly increasing range of US state legislation and ballot initiatives aimed at psychedelic drug reform. [more inside]
The Juris Lab
The Juris Lab is a collaborative empirical legal research blog covering a wide range of subjects, including judicial behavior, regulatory activity, computational linguistics, and litigation analytics. New posts most weekdays.
Fundamentals of Canadian Law: a podcast about the law in Canada!
Canadian law is fun and cool and exciting! Every three weeks, we release another podcast where we take something in the news or the general cultural conversation in Canada, and break down how the law applies. The web link works, but it's better to look it up & subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, etc. [more inside]
Legal News in one place
As a practicing attorney I am continually struggling to keep up with the latest in the legal blogosphere. RSS readers are great, but many of us need something less cumbersome and more easily glanced-at (often on a firm computer!). I put together a simple river-of-news style page that continually updates throughout the day with the latest news from some of the most popular legal blogs. No ads or attempts at monetization, I just found it helpful and hope someone else can too.
The Supreme Court Database
The Supreme Court Database is a comprehensive, Creative Commons-licensed database of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, broken down by justices, issues, votes, and numerous other variables. Yesterday marked the newest release, including comprehensive coverage from 1791 through the recently concluded 2015 term. [more inside]
Law and the Multiverse
Have you ever wondered "Does Batman's close cooperation with the Gotham police department make him a state actor for Fourth Amendment purposes? Is evidence that he gathers even admissible?" Well, I did. [more inside]
Legal Tilt is (back) on the net with old and new stories
Ages ago (1998 to be precise) there was a website called Legal Tilt that documented the inside story of life as a lawyer. It grew, became a book, then completely disappeared. Well, the whole thing is being re-kindled as a blog with old stories from the archive and (eventually) some new stories. Why would anyone want to read about a bunch of lawyers? Check it out and see.