3 posts tagged with bot by avoision.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
I am the Internet: AMA
It's me - the Internet. You know, the place with all the cat videos and pornography? Well, now you can ask me questions and I'll try to answer them! As best as I can, anyhow. Sorry in advance for all the typos. [more inside]
Villanelle Bot: Poems Written by Twitter
A bot that writes poems poems in the villanelle form, built using Twitter posts from random people. The poems live on Tumblr, and are announced @villanellebot. [more inside]
Desire Bot: A Twitter Bot That Re-Posts What the World Wants
This is a Twitter bot that re-posts tweets it finds beginning with the phrase "I just want..." It then pulls the nouns from the message, and uses those words to search Flickr for a matching image. [more inside]