'And I Am Not Lying' - My first album of standup and storytelling
June 9, 2017 6:57 AM   Subscribe

'And I Am Not Lying' - My first album of standup and storytelling
I'm a standup comic and storyteller in NYC, been a member of the blue for a long time. My stuff has been on 'This American Life' and The Moth's podcast - and my very first album of standup and storytelling just came out today! It's available on iTunes/Amazon/Google Play, and I'm also running an IndieGoGo to raise funds to press it on hot pink vinyl. You can also hear a sample track about my band with piano-playing chickens, and see video of another story featured on the album.

The album release show is tonight at 11:59 PM at the UCB Theatre in the East Village, NYC. If you come out, say hi - join my mailing list and I'll give you a free copy of the album!

And hell, I would just be tickled as hell if any of you felt like either making an FPP or posting this anywhere you saw fit.
Role: Writer/Producer/Performer
posted by chinese_fashion (1 comment total)
This project was posted to MetaFilter by xingcat on June 14, 2017: 'And I Am Not Lying' - My first album of standup and storytelling

Hi Jeff, thank you so much for posting this - I love it! And this video made me cry and laugh - so thank you for that!
posted by mathiu at 4:01 AM on June 11, 2017 [2 favorites]

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