Soundtap Madness
March 27, 2012 7:26 AM   Subscribe

Soundtap Madness
Soundtap Madness is a contest we launched two weeks ago in order to promote independent radio and raise awareness of the Soundtap project (which you may remember from previous posts). Soundtap was started by three roommates and college radio DJs who love non-commercial radio. Our goal is to make it easier to explore the great shows out there, and to bring together the various independent radio communities around the world.

The contest scoring is based on the amount of time listeners tune in to each station. We just kicked off the Fourth Round, and everyone is invited to participate as a listener to support your favorite station or to explore other awesome stations.
Role: Lead developer
posted by foraneagle2 (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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