jessamyn's votes
Displaying vote 221 to 222 of 222

Eye Level: The Smithsonian's First Blog
I wanted to let you know about a project I've been working on for about six months: Eye Level, the blog for the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM). It's one of just a few museums forging new ground with new media (and the Smithsonian's first blog!). Today's the official launch and I hope you'll check it out (and check in frequently).

When the Smithsonian American Art Museum reopens its renovated historic main building in July 2006, it will be a showcase for American art that celebrates this nation's vision and creativity. SAAM's blog Eye Level is part of the museum's continuing effort to explore the stories central to the American experience and to search for what connects Americans today.

Using the museum's collection as a touchstone, the conversation at Eye Level will center on the ways in which the nation's art connects to its history and culture. The discussion will extend beyond works at the Smithsonian American Art Museum to include other collections, exhibitions, and events.

Eye Level presents an extraordinary collaboration among curators, conservators, historians, enthusiasts, critics, designers, and of course bloggers-all participants in the story of American art.

posted by Taken Outtacontext at 7:40 AM on November 28, 2005

Cita Dennis Hubbell Library
The Cita Dennis Hubbell library is one of three public libraries to have reopened in the city of New Orleans since Katrina. This is a volunteer site, not officially affiliated with the library system, where people can learn about the library and its namesake, not to mention donate their time and money. It's a work in progress, and eventually we hope for the site to become a community portal for the neighborhood of Algiers Point.
posted by brundlefly at 8:09 PM on November 8, 2005

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