ao4047's votes
Displaying vote 1 to 16 of 16

And I Am Not Lying -- For Real
After weeks of code-wrangling and CSS-gnashing, I've redesigned my blog on Wordpress, under its own domain. It's art, tech stuff, web weirdness, personal essays ... take a look. Please, click around and kick the tires. Any tips, tricks, or constructive criticism are greatly appreciated.
posted by chinese_fashion at 8:01 AM on October 2, 2007

New Blog Geared Towards Explaining Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
ETF Expert makes investing in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) easier. Each day, Gary Gordon provides ideas on "everything ETF." This may involve broad market index-trackers like the Spider (SPY) and Diamond (DIA). The daily discussion also include other investment opportunities, such as Wisdom Tree's earnings-based mid-cap index fund (EZM) or Vanguard's All World Index fund ex U.S. (VEU). "I don’t have an agenda when I write," Gordon stated. "I simply look to make the ETF investing world easier through explanation and entertainment."
posted by FinanceGuy8 at 4:24 PM on October 5, 2007

United Really Sucks dot com
As I am constantly trying to learn a bit more html and css, I decided to turn a typically ridiculous experience (transferred to a phone sex line? check!) into a website. The template is a stock Typepad template, although I'm slowly making it an "advanced" template and will try to figure out how to make all the typelists appear in that by coding them manually.
posted by luriete at 10:31 AM on October 17, 2007

Download Daily Show
As I mentioned in a comment on the blue, I made a tool to download Flash video (FLV) files from the new Daily Show site. Grab your favorite episodes quick before Viacom sues itself.
posted by scottreynen at 1:13 PM on October 19, 2007

Dubya The Menace
I saw The Nietzsche Family Circus a few months ago and I thought the something could be done in a similar manner for the purpose of political satire. I still need to add more quotes to the database, but it is a work in progress.
posted by GavinR at 8:04 AM on January 31, 2007

Ask a Dumb Guy
Bad advice and incorrect information, free of charge.
posted by jbickers at 3:59 PM on February 5, 2007

Recent MeFi project Think is a really cool program that covers up the Mac OS desktop so you can concentrate on one thing at a time. But it doesn't behave exactly how I want it to. And so I wrote my own program, Isolator, that does. It runs in the menu bar. Click its icon or press F8 to toggle Isolator on and off. When it's on, it will cover up the desktop, icons and all but the frontmost application. When you switch application with the Dock or alt-tab, Isolator hides the application you switched away from, keeping your attention on just one thing.
posted by beniamino at 9:55 AM on February 13, 2007

mefi universe search engine
I created several custom google co-op search engines, each with matching search extensions. One of them searches the entire mefi universe, including metachat, monkeyfilter, 9622, and the sites of mefi users who volunteer (or are volunteered by others). Tabs let you refine search by the blue, green, etc., and once user sites are added, the results will be weighed so the results will be: main site, fan sites, user sites (or whatever is most popular). This is similar to mathowie's recent offering, but covers more ground (if it's the sort of ground you want covered). Also, a search engine for finding screenplays, an engine for searching all CondeNast sites, and a link to my recently-started blog, where I mostly ruminate on TV and movies.
posted by bingo at 8:50 AM on February 16, 2007

Brad Sucks Digital Download Store
I wrote a digital download store for myself using Paypal for payment and Amazon S3 for cheap storage and bandwidth (you can see it here). I thought other artists might find it useful so I've released the source for free.
posted by frenetic at 3:14 PM on February 19, 2007

Snippits for Linux, in Ruby - a script to type stuff for you
This simple Ruby script types what I call 'snippits' - short files containing text. All you do is type the name of the snippit, for example, 'address', hit a shortcut key, and the script erases 'address', and types in your actual address.

The real power comes from what you can define in the content of these snippits. It supports:
  • Special keys, like Control and Shift, as well as directional characters
  • Embedded Ruby code - the possibilities are limitless!
  • Cursor Placement
  • Inserting clipboard content
  • some other stuff I forgot about!
This script depends on several Linux-specific tools (xte, from xautomation), so it's a Linux only thing. If you use Linux, however, check it out. I welcome all questions, comments, rants, raves, and patches!
posted by bkudria at 8:58 PM on February 21, 2007

Zero to Superhero Paperback Edition
I'm so happy I could almost weep. In fact, I am weeping - crying like a little schoolgirl because my Zero to Superhero e-book has grown up to be a paperback. It's four years worth and 320 pages of the coolest mind and body improvement secrets I could find and filter. Pretend you care and buy a copy!
posted by dropkick at 3:31 PM on February 21, 2007

ValueWiki - The Investment Wiki
Investors write and collaborate on research - an open source investment site. We currently have stubs for all 53,000 publicly traded U.S. securities. We've customized the Wiki software to allow live chat, message boards, blogging, groups, and user voting. Just as Wikipedia revolutionized the encyclopedia, we hope to revolutionize investment research. Feel free to login and test the site - all feedback welcome.
posted by technical at 10:28 AM on November 13, 2006

tedium - These lightweight, taggable to-do lists help you get things done
After reading Getting Things Done I've been won over with the idea of capturing everything you need to do and writing it down somewhere so you (a) can't forget about it, and more importantly (b) don't spend any time worrying about things that you aren't doing. Following a couple of abortive attempts to get my to-do lists computerized, I've finally come up with a system that works.

It's a simple, pared-down approach to defining tasks - there's a one-line description of the action, an optional due date, and an optional free-form list of tags for each task. That means it doesn't get in the way of me capturing everything I need to do, and the tags let me slice and dice the list of things I need to do. I've been using it to manage everything I've got to do for a few months now, and I think it's now reached a point where it's useful for other people to use.

So I hereby launch this app tedium. May all who use her be productive. (Or in slightly more boring terms, please join the beta testing and let us know what you think :-) Thanks.
posted by amcewen at 7:52 PM on May 31, 2006

Amorphia Apparel
"Look on my shirts, ye mighty, and despair!" One day, a few years ago, I woke up and decided I no longer wanted to wear any clothes with words/designs I didn't make myself. So I started designing my own T-shirts and the people around me really seemed to like them, so I figured 'what the hell' why not try opening an online shirt shop. I like things a little more oblique or deadpan then most "funny shirt" sites, and I think it does a good job of reflecting my sensibilities. I hope you like 'em.
posted by Jezztek at 5:32 PM on March 9, 2006

Green River WordPress Theme
I have been busy creating a number of free WordPress Themes, Green River is a fixed width, fixed background theme, I have also posted a theme called Ginseng Coffee and Painted Desert.
posted by JTkc at 6:20 PM on March 30, 2006

MeFi Navigator
Mefi Navigator (annotated screenshot) is a handy GreaseMonkey script that makes navigating MetaFilter threads a bit easier. A picture tells a thousand words - look at the screenshot! Here's a description anyway: The main thing it does is to add a dropdown box (and forward and back arrows) next to each comment which allows you to go directly to the user's other comments in the thread. It marks comments from an admin or the original poster. Also, a little 'back to top' arrow is added to each comment. If you have any problems, email me at mefinavigator at googlemail dot com.
posted by matthewr at 7:32 AM on February 25, 2006

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