4 posts tagged with witchcraft.
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The Burning Lies: Witches, Radical Feminists, and Nazis
A short zine about about the curious life of an invented fact. Scholars peg early modern European witch-hunt deaths at 40,000, but estimates in the millions continue to circulate in feminist and Pagan communities. Where did these gross exaggerations come from, and what uses have they been put to? After reading this zine, you will know! [more inside]
Thirteen Witchy Ways of Looking at the James Webb Space Telescope (Part One)
This is my second video essay for YouTube, an exploration of the James Webb Space Telescope from a nature-based spiritual perspective and, more broadly, how science and scientific discoveries inform such a perspective. I researched, wrote, performed and edited this video (so much video editing). Thanks for watching!
Brigid: Goddess, Saint, Badass (Or Why I'm Starting This YouTube Channel)
This is my first YouTube video, which I've been working on researching, writing, filming, and editing for the past three weeks to a month.
content note for Metafilter: contains spirituality of the witchy kind
The Portland Tarot Forecast
A free weekly reading for the whole city. I got the idea because sometimes I'd noticed the same card or cards showing up in different people's readings in the same few days, and I felt like I was glimpsing larger spiritual currents. I wanted to more fully examine that, and also to combine my writing flair with my divinatory reading skills. Warning: Contains mysticism