3 posts tagged with treasurehunt.
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a playful ghost story brought to life by the one-of-a-kind way you see the world. Working with friends and Canada's National Film Board, we spent the past three years trying to develop a new vocabulary for a kind of interactive novella and portable treasure hunt. It's a curious adventure about a ghost named September and you can explore all six chapters free on your phone.
London charity shops treasure hunt.
Just before Christmas I visited 30 different London charity shops, anonymously donating a signed and numbered copy of my murder ballads book to every one. My online photo clues are there to help people find the shops involved and snap up these moderately-attractive collectors’ items at a bargain price while also supporting the charity's work. The headline link here gives full details and this Twitter account has news of the results so far. [more inside]
The Code Challenge - a maths treasure hunt by the BBC
I helped make the games and treasure hunt for a BBC Two series called The Code, a fantastic three-part series about maths in the world around us presented by Prof. Marcus du Sautoy. While it's just finished, you can still watch clips; play games about tessellation, prime numbers, symmetry (this one is awesome), and physics; and tackle our beautiful, free 84 page book of puzzles. Then there's the treasure... [more inside]