2 posts tagged with singleservingsite.
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That's Not How Things Work
I made two quick-and-dirty, single-serving sites, to serve as convenient rebuttals to misconceptions that one commonly encounters on the Internet. ThatsNotHowCopyrightWorks.com is for those dopey "no copyright infringement intended" sorts of things that one sees on YouTube, etc. ThatsNotHowFreedomOfSpeechWorks.com is for those people who squeal that their fuhreedom of speech is being violated because someone disagreed with them. [more inside]
Godspeed You! Black President
A site that throws together Godspeed You Black Emperor and a pitched-down Barack Obama. Sounds like the nervewracking end to a long night in the Situation Room, with only a bottle of scotch, some childhood memories, and the nuclear launch codes for company. [more inside]