2 posts tagged with samples.
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Firestone Walker Brewery in Paso Robles, California: My brewery tour

I took my first brewery tour at the Firestone Walker Brewing Company and tweeted my experience. This tour took place Sunday, October 12, 2014, in Paso Robles, California. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome on Oct 28, 2014 - 0 comments

Birchbox: Fruit of the month meets beauty

Birchbox is a fun way to try high-end beauty products. It's a new spin on the age old "of-the-month" club. For $10 a month, we send members oversized beauty samples that they can try at home. Once they find what works for them, they can buy the full-size products, earning rewards points with every purchase. [more inside]
posted by snickerdoodle on Aug 23, 2010 - 1 comment

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