5 posts tagged with publicdomain.
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"The trouble is, however, that I feel that I have something to say"

A 2017 post on the Blue linked to an essay (archive.org!) about a kinda mysterious 1886 American book, The Story of Don Miff, highlighting its unusual "postmodern" elements. I made a proper proof-read ebook, not previously available, that you can get at >> gutenberg.org <<. [more inside]
posted by sylvanshine on May 12, 2024 - 1 comment

Happy Birthday To You free stock music

The famous song has been out of copyright since 2017, so I commissioned a musician to produce 20 different versions ranging from sensible to silly. You can download high-quality WAVs under a CC0/public domain license to freely use in absolutely anything.
posted by malevolent on Jan 27, 2021 - 3 comments


Inspired by dialogues in role-playing games like Baldur’s Gate II and King of Dragon Pass, I made an app that lets your write problems and put faces to your choices! [more inside]
posted by ignignokt on Nov 4, 2016 - 0 comments

Ebook Index of Free Ebooks for the Kindle

My parents got a Kindle for Christmas, and I've looked into ways for them to read public domain books from outside Amazon on it, and the interfaces for browsing for books and transferring them are ... non-optimal. I found the Magic Catalog, an ebook index of Project Gutenberg books, linked up so that you can immediately download books and add them to your Kindle, without using a computer or Amazon. It's in a useless order, though – it's not sorted by the book title, or by author. So I thought I'd take a shot at fixing that. Here’s the prototype, sorted by the author's last name. This is my first ebook, so please forgive the rough edges.
posted by Pronoiac on Feb 18, 2013 - 7 comments

Digitizing 100 miles of old 16mm educational films

I have over 24,000 16mm educational films from the 1920s thru 1980s and have been sharing them at avgeeks.com (previously). But I still have a ton of films no one else has made available online in good quality, if at all. So every day during the month of August, I'm digitizing and uploading public domain 16mm films that anyone can watch, download and/or repurpose for their own projects, free of charge. They're being collected at av-geeks.tumblr.com, and include The Potheads, a bizarre amateur anti-drug film from 1968, a 1958 interview with Ansel Adams about his craft, sexy industrial porn, Any Boy USA, in which Mr. Whiskey explains the perils of the big city to our hero, and lots more. I'm uploading at least 3 new films a day; the goal is to get to 100 miles (240 hours) of film by the end of the summer.
posted by avgeeks on Aug 13, 2012 - 3 comments

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