2 posts tagged with parlorgame.
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Murder in the Dark: An Outline History of a Murder Mystery Parlor Game
"Murder in the Dark" was a murder mystery parlor game that was widely published and played from the 1930s to the 1980s. This weekend, I worked up a long blog post giving an outline history of the game, supplementing many previous fun facts about parlor game history.
Otherfoot: Only Pen and Paper Required
I put together a website dedicated to my all-time favorite game, Otherfoot (mentioned previously in my 2006 FPP about ink-and-paper games). Otherfoot is a card game, played with a newly-created homemade deck every time. Gameplay is similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity (pre-dating the latter), with key differences laid out in the FAQ (and reposted below). The game concept was developed by friends of my brother, and I've derived a lot of joy from playing Otherfoot with old and new friends for more than 10 years. [more inside]