5 posts tagged with office.
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Lil Friendys - a chthonic office-sitcom puppetshow
Lil Friendys is a puppetshow/office-sitcom about Alma, who is new to the underworld. Each episode is roughly two minutes, and new episodes post each Thursday.
CHAIRDANCE: A Global Office Dance Party
Crappy day? Crank your favorite song. Dance in your chair. Act a fool. Submit a GIF. You'll feel much better. [more inside]
Offbeat webcomic
I've been doing this for the past few months to entertain myself and possibly some of the people I work with. I don't know for sure, they may be fake laughing. I thought I'd open myself up for random abuse from strangers & ask what you guys think.
Docvert 4.0 - Word to HTML converter
I announced the previous version back in 2006 and it's progressed quite a lot since then. Docvert 4.0 is a free web service that takes Microsoft Office files and converts them to standards compliant HTML. You can control every single tag and attribute of the conversion with W3C standards. Since 2006 it's now 3× faster because it uses OpenOffice in a server mode, and it's the only Linux based converter that can handle EMF and WMF files, as well as providing unit tests, FTP/WebDAV uploads, and lossless optimisation of images. It's also easy to use, with a simple minimalist interface. [more inside]
A look inside the nearly completely empty 8th Ave post office in NYC
New York's Farley Post Office building is about to be converted into Moynihan Station, an extension of Penn Station. Nearly all of the postal workers have been moved out, leaving the enormous, five-story block-encompassing building nearly totally vacant. A last chance to see...