5 posts tagged with music and games.
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Music, Retro-gaming and Elsewhat Blog

VGR2016 is an ongoing 5-way blog envisioned as half a way for a bunch of UK-based friends to keep up, half an excuse to replay and review old video games, and half World Domination. The third half is the charm. We also feature both Music and Opinions.
posted by comealongpole on Mar 3, 2016 - 1 comment

Big Bad Bosses - Power Overwhelming

Watch out! Listen! BAD GUYS FROM VIDEO GAMES somehow joined up to form a 90s boy band. I just wrote, composed, arranged, and produced their entire debut album. In Big Bad Bosses - Power Overwhelming, caricatures of Bowser, Ganondorf, Sephiroth, and Dr. Eggman sing honest, soulful songs about how even their terrifying fury can't protect them from the big questions in life. It's been #1 on the iTunes comedy charts for a week, and I couldn't wait to post it to MeFi Projects! [more inside]
posted by jake on Jan 1, 2016 - 2 comments


this is DOS POP: over 40 minutes of primitive, tinny FM slime-synthesis for the discerning pop aesthete. a soundcloud mix sourced from vintage PC games, with some tasty ear candy and glitchery thrown in for good measure. maxis trash funk, bitcrushed opera, diseasecore, swamp new age, adlib fantasia and soundblaster death jams await your miserable, yearning ears. grab some waterproof headphones and dive in. part of the experience is not always knowing what you're hearing, so I haven't included a tracklist. available on request, though.
posted by naju on Jul 29, 2014 - 2 comments

Maseno Maths Camp video

This is a video about a math camp in Maseno, Kenya, that I've helped coordinate for the last two years. The idea is to give secondary school students a new perspective on mathematics, and expose teachers to activity-based teaching methods. We're aiming to get across the idea that math is about the concepts rather than the drills, understanding rather than mindless computation, beauty rather than grades. The video runs about 13 minutes, but there's a catchy song at the beginning to rope you in and get the idea across more quickly. Finally, there's a blog post here outlining a bit of the work we've been up to this year. [more inside]
posted by kaibutsu on Oct 22, 2012 - 0 comments

Marioke - video game songs from memory

Listen to and submit personal renditions of memorable video game themes. I've had some contributions by the fine people at Mefight Club. You can submit something elaborate [this version of the SMB3 airship theme] or simple [Contra, Stage 1]. [more inside]
posted by demiurge on Feb 16, 2012 - 1 comment

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