6 posts tagged with mail.
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Telephone Pictionary, Correspondence Edition

A web page featuring a super-basic set of printable instructions I've created to play Telephone Pictionary (a.k.a. Eat Poop You Cat) via snail-mail. Scans of completed correspondence games included. (Direct link to instructions on Google Docs)
posted by duffell on Jan 6, 2019 - 5 comments

The Long Talk, round 2

A few years ago I did an email game with these rules: everyone gets an email once a day. If you respond to it within 24 hours, you get to play the next day. We keep going until there's just one person remaining. It was a lot of fun. Now I'm kicking it off again and I'm looking for people who want to play. I set up a little google form here for anyone who wants to play.
posted by jragon on Oct 3, 2018 - 1 comment

CC: Otherworlds

Original weird and wonderful art and stories in the mail - snail mail or email - fortnightly! [more inside]
posted by lriG rorriM on Aug 26, 2016 - 1 comment


Send me an email with your manuscript attached, and I'll print it out and mail it to your publisher for you. [more inside]
posted by jsturgill on Jan 27, 2014 - 5 comments

Defcon Yum! - The one-a-day gourmet internet bakery

Defcon YUM! is a one a day gourmet internet bakery. Every day we offer one product. After that period it is gone! We bake it after you order it and ship it out ASAP. If an gets good reviews, we will bring it back; if it tanks, well, we apologize and will never sell it again!
posted by firei on Oct 22, 2012 - 7 comments

Payhole.me - Get Something in the Mail

The Rules: Feed me money. Put in an address. Get something in the mail. [more inside]
posted by richrad on Jun 14, 2012 - 16 comments

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