4 posts tagged with mac and app.
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Backgroundifier & BackgroundifierBuddy

I built two macOS apps that turn your desktop wallpaper into a rotating mini-art-gallery. (Art not included, though!)
posted by archagon on May 7, 2018 - 1 comment

Touch Bar Piano

Have a new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar? Wish it had a really tiny fiddly two-octave keyboard? Then this is the program for you! Fully polyphonic, choice of all 128 sounds from the General Midi orchestra. Here's a demo video.
posted by grahamparks on Nov 26, 2016 - 0 comments

Patina (since there's no "Microsoft Paint for Mac")

I wanted to use something like Microsoft Paint on my Mac, but I couldn't find any existing such app that I liked, so I decided to create one. This two year project finally reached full fruition this week with its launch as a paid app in the Mac App Store. [more inside]
posted by OCDan on May 17, 2016 - 7 comments

Killer Word

Interesting instant-search dictionary app for iOS and Mac which finds words based on some of the letters they contain irrespective of order. For example you can type KQV and it will find you the only 13 words that contain all those letters (like EQUIVOKE). It's remarkably useful for word games like Letterpress (whose dictionary it is wrapped around) or for checking goes at Scrabble, or for a lot of word-related messing about. [more inside]
posted by w0mbat on Mar 20, 2014 - 5 comments

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