9 posts tagged with guitar and music.
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Corwin Bolt and the Wingnuts at Bridge City Sessions
Live in studio recordings of original junkyard jazz, jangly jive, and ragtime residue. Featuring four brand-new tunes: "Hold on Tight" (a screwloose comedy heist), "Minneola" (a loving tribute to any city or town that happens to be named Min[n]eola), "Paradeiolia" (the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern), and "Mrs Johnson" (a western klezmer veterinary odyssey). Recorded spring 2024 at Bridge City Sessions. [more inside]
Trey Fontaine II
At the beginning of 2020 I collected some instrumentals I'd been working on under the name Trey Fontaine (an imaginary guitar player I pretend to be sometimes). I just released a sequel, imaginatively titled Trey Fontaine II. The link above goes to one of those aggregators that leads to all the streaming services.
Alternatively, here is the first track, This Is a Map, on Youtube.
Trey Fontaine
Bizarrely, and for reasons too long and dull to explain, I’ve released an album of odd rock guitar instrumentals under the pseudonym Trey Fontaine. [more inside]
Every Day A Song
It took a plague to slow me down enough to realize a years-held dream: posting a new video to youtube every day (almost) of me playing the guitar and singing a song. Been at it for a couple of weeks now and it's going pretty good! Covers so far include Lucinda Williams, Woody Guthrie, Doc Watson, and Steven Universe, plus a bunch by Trad of Itional, and I would describe the musical style as crude but heartfelt. Hope you enjoy!
I made a guitar
I built a solid body electric guitar from scratch and wrote a rather long, detailed account of the process. Only partly a how-to, I wrote about what was required, what I learned, mistakes I made, and what I'd do different next time. [more inside]
Ladies and Gentlemen -- mini Video EP
Ladies and Gentlemen is a multimedia performance duo combining guitar and live, remixed video. Our performances are incredibly difficult to document, so we put together these videos as an attempt to give some insight into our process, as well as to explore the intersection of composition, musical performance, and video-as-instrument. [more inside]
Sauna Sounds Cover Album
Hey MetaFilter, I have put together an 'album' of short covers I recorded between 2009 and 2011. Most of them I have posted to Music MetaFilter in the past, but I thought it would be fun to wrap them together a bit and hopefully it will inspire me to record more again. Includes guitar, bowed banjo, pump organ, harmonica, piano, whistling etc. [more inside]
I'm looking for feedback on a guitar learning website I've been working on. First of all, it turns guitar tabs you find on the internet into music. Second, it's a general scratchpad for playing around with chords or scales and learning the fretboard. Third, you can share music and lessons with your friends. [more inside]
Kenyan time-lapse music video.
This was a song I recorded with some of my friends back in Davis, California; the visuals are a 30-minute drive from Maseno to Kisumu in western Kenya, compressed into three minutes. And those Kenyan roads are nerve-wracking even before compression....