7 posts tagged with dance.
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Measuring and Understanding Dance

Can you objectively measure dance? In this brief educational film, the Bureau of Non Verbal Communication shows you how to quantify your get-down and avoid common mistakes -- like having poor taste.
posted by fake on Mar 20, 2016 - 2 comments

Globe Trot (50 filmmakers, 23 countries, 1 dance)

This is an international crowd-sourced dance-film project put together over the web. I got 50 filmmakers on all seven continents (including Antarctica) to each shoot two seconds of dance by choreographer Bebe Miller. There was a manual on my website that trained the filmmakers in how to learn their 4-count phrase assignment and how to frame the performer they would find on the street. Each person then sent their footage back to me for editing. I explain it more in this HuffPo blog.
posted by Mitchla on Jun 29, 2014 - 5 comments

Prosthetic Instruments for Dance and Music Performance

We just finished a documentary about some prosthetic instruments we designed for a collaborative dance and music performance. The instruments were designed by myself and Joe Malloch, another researcher at McGill University, and went on tour in Quebec and Europe in the spring. The basic idea was to create physical devices which would attach to the dancers' bodies in order to create opportunities for exploring movement and . Sensors incorporated in the devices send information to a computer, and the information is then used in the generation of computer music. There's more description on the webpage, and the video describing the design process and showing the instruments in use is on youtube. There's also a one-minute teaser vid in case the full video is TL;DW.
posted by ianhattwick on Jul 25, 2013 - 0 comments

CHAIRDANCE: A Global Office Dance Party

Crappy day? Crank your favorite song. Dance in your chair. Act a fool. Submit a GIF. You'll feel much better. [more inside]
posted by functionequalsform on Jun 25, 2013 - 15 comments

International Waters, an interdisciplinary meta-festival of Portland culture

I run an organization here in town called Research Club. We’re in the middle of our biggest project yet — the Portland Passport Project. For the next stage, we've talked to all the amazing groups that we've worked with here in Portland and put together a calendar of their events happening between May 15 and July 21. The goal is to create a broader context where you can encounter as many different branches of Portland culture as possible. [more inside]
posted by nímwunnan on May 7, 2012 - 0 comments

YayTM: Rewarding Quality Dancing with Dollar Bills

My first big project for school, exploring the relationship between incentives and online publicity, the YayTM grabs the attention of passersby at predetermined times, and offers them a dollar to dance for it. If the subject dances well enough (determined by face tracking), the YayTM dispenses a dollar. In any case, video of the dance is uploaded to youtube and displayed on YayTM.com.
posted by zazerr on Jan 18, 2011 - 7 comments

CPI - Live for Original Plumbing & Toronto Pride, 2010-07-01

I DJ, and first and foremost this is a party mix. It is from my sets for Original Plumbing, Toronto Pride, and even my wedding. Part of it was in memoriam for Toronto artist and activist Will Munro, as well as a reaction to the G20 protests fallout. The DJ mix is 193 minutes long, and 442 MB @ 320 kbps. [more inside]
posted by Theta States on Jul 19, 2010 - 0 comments

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