2 posts tagged with cuisine.
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Eat Everywhere (smartphone app)
I'm part of a team that just released a unique, pretty amazing food app (iOS and Android). It's called Eat Everywhere, created by Chowhound founder Jim Leff (though tons of us worked on it). It covers virtually every cuisine, offering pragmatic, quick, witty advice on how and what to order, and experience things like an insider. Great while traveling, as well as for eating in ethnic restaurants near home. Great for newbies who've always hesitated about strolling into the local Jamaican take-out, but also great for filling gaps for experts (also: calligraphs to show waiters in Chinese regional restaurants, etc. etc.). Here's Leff's launching statement, and the app's web page is linked above. [more inside]
The Kitchen as Laboratory: Reflections on the Science of Food and Cooking
A new, highly collaborative book on the relationship between science and cuisine. With recipes, new takes on old dishes, science, technology, history, and deliciousness. I am one of many authors and very excited to be keeping company with them. You may have heard of Molecular Gastronomy, Experimental Cuisine, Modernist Cuisine - here is some of the thinking and thinkers behind understanding food with science and science with food. First chapter for free here [more inside]