4 posts tagged with cartooning.
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Kirby Klose-Ups

One close-up comics panel by Jack Kirby from his 7 decade-spanning career posted once a day, every day on Bluesky.
posted by Alvy Ampersand on May 15, 2024 - 0 comments

All the cartoon art I've commissioned for PlanetSlade on a single page

Contributors include Rick Geary, Roger Langridge, Hans Rickheit, Karl Stevens and Gerhard, all producing bespoke PlanetSlade work you won't have seen anywhere else. PLUS: convention sketches & such from Alan Moore, Eddie Campbell, Dave Sim, Ralph Steadman, Reinhard Kleist, the Hernandez Brothers, Hunt Emerson and Peter Brookes.
posted by Paul Slade on Aug 5, 2022 - 0 comments

London is Stranger than Fiction

… was a 1950s newspaper cartoon strip by the artist and historian Peter Jackson (not that one). Appearing weekly in London’s Evening News and modelled closely on Ripley’s Believe it or Not, Jackson’s strips recounted the true stories and fascinating trivia of London’s bizarre past. They’re as eye-opening today as ever, and still an excellent guide for anyone with a sense of curiosity about the city. In one 1950 strip alone, Jackson covers London’s earthquake panic of 1750, the reinforced hats worn by Billingsgate fish porters, a remarkable tomb in Bunhill Fields and where to find the West End’s clock in a barrel. Elsewhere in his career, he succeeded the great Frank Bellamy on Eagle’s Marco Polo strip and painted dozens of historic scenes for the British educational comic Look and Learn. You can see a handful of my own favourite LISTF strips in this Twitter thread and read my full PlanetSlade essay about the series and Jackson’s other work here. [more inside]
posted by Paul Slade on Feb 16, 2022 - 0 comments

English Majeure

is a new webcomic I've started. Jokes about books- so far I've done Rand, Mailer, Milton, Vidal, Thompson, and Tolkien. Lots more to come, with at least one update a week. Oh, and the "About" page features the most dignified picture of me ever taken.
posted by COBRA! on Apr 21, 2011 - 4 comments

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