2 posts tagged with california by Scram.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

The Year in Los Angeles Historic Preservation

Each year since 2012, we've compiled a survey of the past year's historic preservation gains, losses and the bittersweet things that teeter in between. Today we released 22 for 2015, where you'll find all our favorite funiculars, cafeterias, neon signs, giant hot dogs, celebrity pet hospitals, tiki bar fish friends and so much more. If you dig old L.A., stop by and see if your favorite place made the list.
posted by Scram on Jan 1, 2016 - 0 comments

Esotouric's Los Angeles Historic Preservation "25 for 2012"

From Esotouric, the offbeat Los Angeles tour company, here's a very opinionated list of the past year's most notable historic preservation gains, losses... and those bittersweet moments that hover somewhere in the middle and keep us up nights.
posted by Scram on Dec 30, 2012 - 0 comments

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