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Myanmar's Second Wind

I've had the good luck to have spent a bit of time in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma (and no, please don't ask me why I don't use that word, it's a long story). I work in tech. So, here's a series of stories I'm writing about it. You may or may not have known that in spite of all the incredible challenges the country still faces, there's also – what shall we call it? — a glimmer, of hope? That a lot has changed? That for example, a SIM card cost $2500 a few years ago, and $250 a year back (when I got mine), and now it's $1.50 AND available also to foreigners at the airport when you land? It is an incredible country. I hope you'll get to see a little bit of it through this. I really should update it more (I have about 5 more interviews/profiles lined up).
posted by popagandhi on Mar 13, 2015 - 2 comments

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