2 posts tagged with appengine.
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Kicksaver: Find and save Kickstarter projects ending soon.

Kicksaver finds Kickstarter projects that will end soon without meeting their funding goals. If you have a few dollars to spare, you can help tip a struggling project over its goal and prevent it from losing the pledges made so far. It also tweets endangered projects a few times a day. This is a weekend project I made as part of my continuing effort to teach myself programming. It's completely noncommercial, open source, and not affiliated with Kickstarter in any way (although I do think they're pretty great). [more inside]
posted by ecmendenhall on May 21, 2012 - 6 comments

Twittov: Nonsense generator

Twittov generates nonsense from your Twitter history using Markov chains. Note: Your tweets must be public for it to work. I posted this as a python script a year ago, but it's totally rewritten for the new Twitter API and has a Django/jQuery interface.
posted by yaymukund on Jan 30, 2011 - 7 comments

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