2 posts tagged with advocacy.
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Child Tax Credit Outreach Project
In brief, the expanded Child Tax Credit expired this year and will cast a lot of children in to poverty. It may get saved at the last minute at the end of the year, but it may not. In any event, the existing (reduced) CTC does not have anywhere near perfect redemption rates -- there are lots of unclaimed credits out there. Many of them are centralized in parts of the country where major media outlets are not the method by which most folks get their news. I want to assemble a resource of alternative outlets and community leaders in as many of the geographic areas as possible and then go about the job of advocacy. Phase 1 is assembling that resource, and I'm always looking for volunteer information wranglers.
Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide
The Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide is an app for iPhone and Android that presents progressive ballot measure recommendations for your location (Oregon only). Where do progressive groups that promote conservation, equal rights, reproductive health, senior care, and economic fairness stand on the ballot measures that matter most to Oregonians? Always up-to-date and relevant, the Our Oregon Mobile Voter Guide gives you the information and news you need.