11 posts tagged with advice.
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I trained an A.I. to Ask Metafilter...

Last time, I trained an LSTM neural network to generate British placenames. This time, I trained one on Ask Metafilter questions to see if the questions it generated might tell us anything about humanity. (Spoilers: yes, of course it did). [more inside]
posted by danhon on Aug 3, 2017 - 12 comments

True Words

True Words is an ongoing community art project where people anonymously share words of wisdom, advice, and guidance based on their own life experiences. [more inside]
posted by willt on Jul 16, 2017 - 0 comments

We [might] fix you

We Will Fix You is a semi-serious/semi-surreal/broadly dreadful advice podcast brought to you by the same team of idiots who talk about comics over at ConSequential. [more inside]
posted by terretu on Mar 15, 2017 - 1 comment

"We Live To Serve" - Ask Hatter & Hare

I joined some friends of mine in creating a web series based on some Alice in Wonderland characters. It's an advice column hosted by the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. There's a teaser for the next episode on the Facebook page, as well as some production photos. And if you seek advice from a pair of madmen, you can drop them a line at askhatterandhare at gmail dot com. They may expound on your quandary in an upcoming episode or on the forthcoming podcast. After all, they live to serve.
posted by Maaik on Oct 29, 2015 - 1 comment

Augur: iPhone App That Uses Twitter to Predict the Future

Augur is an iPhone app that displays random Twitter posts, and attempts to provide both advice and prophesy. Pulling from a growing list of keywords, the app ignores any Twitter posts containing links, images, #hashtags, or @mentions. It also parses out any first person mention (I, Me, Myself) and tries to present Twitter posts containing second personal conditionals (You will, You shall, etc). [more inside]
posted by avoision on Jun 25, 2014 - 6 comments

Dog Walking Web

After several years dispensing advice to people who are setting up dog walking businesses (including here on AskMefi: 1,2,3,4) I have finally decided to put it all in one place. Articles about various aspects of the dog walking business, and a free email course for folks just starting up. Comments/bugs welcome
posted by primer_dimer on Jul 11, 2013 - 0 comments


Those who refuse to learn from the past… have obviously never read some of the frankly bizarre advice our grandparents thought fit to commit to print. Obsolessons is here to bring you the questionable wisdom of our ancestors, with the occasional useful tip like how to gild a live fish. Because how could that NOT come in handy?
posted by MsMolly on Aug 28, 2012 - 10 comments

Your Hollywood Friends and Neighbors

Bunny and Coco podcast from an enormous bed in downtown Hollywood, California, telling weird and wild stories from the most famous neighborhood in the world. Episode four includes an interview with Julia Marchese, who started the petition to save 45mm film, and who discusses the unique pleasures of the revival house cinema. Theme song by MeFi's own frenetic, AKA Brad Sucks: It's this incredible song. [more inside]
posted by Bunny Ultramod on Apr 15, 2012 - 1 comment


Product review sites are great and all, but they usually don't allow you to ask the specific questions that are on your mind, and they almost never show you social info: what do friends own? So a buddy and I built a site that does that. It's fundamentally Q&A format and it bends over for Facebook if you want it to. You can use it to get recommendations, ask technical questions, or just poll friends to find out what they know. Swing by and drop some knowledge. Feedback appreciated!
posted by scarabic on Aug 13, 2011 - 0 comments

Dead Advice: A Guide to Living (From the Dead)

The premise of this site is that you have recently died, and now you're penning a letter to the rest of the world. The subject matter is open, and can be whatever you'd like: a list of things you found important, a series of regrets, or an open letter to the young. There is only one requirement. Every letter submitted to the site must begin with the same first sentence: "Now that I'm dead, I want to tell you a few things." [more inside]
posted by avoision on Jul 18, 2010 - 3 comments

"Living Oprah," but with More of an Attitude Problem

One woman's attempt to live her best life according to the wisdom that flows from that veritable American sage, Oprah Winfrey. But only for two months or until I get really bored. And I'll only read her magazine, because I can't commit to watching her show every day.
posted by dzaz on Jul 2, 2010 - 0 comments

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