5 posts tagged with Reader.
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Reader on Revolutionary Feminism

I work with a group that just put together a second edition of a reader on Revolutionary Feminism. It includes a century of debates between communist, anarchism and radical feminists, extending from 1890 to 1983. Groups in 21 cities and four countries did study groups on the Revolutionary Feminism reader in the fall and winter of 2015. This collection is beautifully laid out, easy to share, and includes a lot of great material on lost traditions of queer and women's liberation movements. [more inside]
posted by alexkollontai on Apr 13, 2016 - 1 comment

A Reader on Black Revolutionaries in the United States

In the spirit of our previous reader on European Socialism and Communism (volume 1), the Communist Research Cluster has released a reader on Black Revolutionaries in the United States (volume 2). [more inside]
posted by Noisy Pink Bubbles on Jan 18, 2016 - 4 comments

LitKit: A Curated Index of the Literary Blogosphere

Even in the midst of some technological turbulence (see also: “blogging is dead,” “Google Reader is gone“) there remains a vibrant and enjoyable literary blogosphere. You can still subscribe to a huge number of blogs and join the conversation. I’ve created a tool to help make it easy to do this, so you can get back to reading and posting. Using Silliman’s Blogroll as a starting point, I’ve created an OPML file. This file is a big list of all the RSS feeds of all the blogs on Silliman’s list. The file is designed to be imported into your blog reader of choice. Since Google Reader isn’t around anymore, I recommend Feedly (my current favorite) or Digg Reader (also very good).
posted by dylan_k on Jan 21, 2014 - 1 comment

A One-PDF History of European Socialism and Communism

Some friends and I compiled a 500-page PDF that does the following (from the Introduction): "We present here a history of twentieth-century communism through primary sources, divided into fourteen chapters arranged in chronological order. Each chapter deals with a historical moment or theoretical debate, and contains an amount of reading appropriate for one week’s time. We hope that this reader will provide the foundation for seminars and reading groups." [more inside]
posted by Noisy Pink Bubbles on Jan 14, 2014 - 2 comments

Skimr - simple web based RSS reader

Great for desktops, tablets and smartphones. Can be used without an account or sign up for free to customize the default set of websites on the home page. Websites can be added either by URL or from a directory.
posted by petrkral on Mar 7, 2013 - 9 comments

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