2 posts tagged with ModernArt.
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Modern Art in Midcentury Comics

For a while I've been collecting examples of 20th century comic strips and newspaper cartoons which include parodies of Modern Art. (I got some help from ask.meta last year!) I've now posted my collection on cohost, and I will add new ones as I find them.
posted by moonmilk on Sep 10, 2023 - 5 comments

Antarctic survival manual: art for the pandemic and other disasters

During the pandemic I finally stuck most of my art into a website. I make my living as a scientist and medical specialist, so despite having some gallery representation and sales over the years I haven't had the time or energy to self-promote. But I would like to share the series called "Postcards from the Hedge" (stolen poems for survival and healing). There are times in many artists' lives in which they develop a temporarily strained relationship with their preferred medium, which in my case is paint. This set of 50 small 4"x6" collage postcards are my response to a recent paint-problematic episode in my own life, which has coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic and a dramatic reduction in physical studio space. [more inside]
posted by SinAesthetic on Aug 3, 2021 - 5 comments

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