December 17, 2005 11:09 AM
Tired of resolving to lose 20 pounds on January 1 & then forgetting about it by Groundhog Day? Here's an app to help you track your resolutions -- and see what everyone else is resolving to do. This was mostly a project for myself to learn Ruby on Rails, but I'm definitely looking forward to being able to check up on this in a few months & see what exactly it was that I thought I should be doing in '06.
Tired of resolving to lose 20 pounds on January 1 & then forgetting about it by Groundhog Day? Here's an app to help you track your resolutions -- and see what everyone else is resolving to do. This was mostly a project for myself to learn Ruby on Rails, but I'm definitely looking forward to being able to check up on this in a few months & see what exactly it was that I thought I should be doing in '06.
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