The Internalational Dictionary of Neologisms
December 8, 2005 7:15 AM
The Internalational Dictionary of Neologisms
¶Neologisms are invented words. We are particularly interested in invented words which represent concepts or objects which haven't previously existed. ¶This is a chance for artists to alter the future history of culture by "breaking the code" & making a parallel history. ¶Also: What is the longest invented word? The most difficult pronunciation? The word with the most definitions? Etcetra... ¶The widest range of subject matter, spellings, meaning & pronunciation is sought. We expecially welcome prolific word inventors to submit whole vocabularies. Obscure & archaic words are accepted as long as they aren't currently common. ¶Include correct spelling, phonetic pronunciation, definition, origin, creator, date & even circumstances of the creation, if applicable. ¶Non-English word-makers should provide English translation of material, where possible. Send neologisms to
¶Neologisms are invented words. We are particularly interested in invented words which represent concepts or objects which haven't previously existed. ¶This is a chance for artists to alter the future history of culture by "breaking the code" & making a parallel history. ¶Also: What is the longest invented word? The most difficult pronunciation? The word with the most definitions? Etcetra... ¶The widest range of subject matter, spellings, meaning & pronunciation is sought. We expecially welcome prolific word inventors to submit whole vocabularies. Obscure & archaic words are accepted as long as they aren't currently common. ¶Include correct spelling, phonetic pronunciation, definition, origin, creator, date & even circumstances of the creation, if applicable. ¶Non-English word-makers should provide English translation of material, where possible. Send neologisms to
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