Games for the brain in new languages
March 8, 2007 6:12 AM

Games for the brain in new languages
This is my little games website where I wanted to create a non-cluttered look & feel as opposed to the many "crowded" Flash game portals. As of today the site is available in a couple of new languages (it uses content negotiation, so to see them all anywhere go to ): Japanese, French, Italian, and Russian. I paid a translation company a couple of 100 bucks for translating my UTF8 files ( Now the question remains: how on earth am I gonna let e.g. Japanese users know about this site? What is the equivalent of Boing Boing, Fark etc. where you can submit links, but in Japan (or Russia?). (I'm "stuck" in Germany, and the German and English web zone.)
posted by philipp (0 comments total)

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