what to eat Boston - GMaps-based restaurant directory and ratings
January 6, 2007 2:56 PM

what to eat Boston - GMaps-based restaurant directory and ratings
what to eat Boston is a *new* GMaps-based restaurant directory and ratings system, which allows you to rate restaurants in terms of Food, Service, Atmosphere, and value, as well as leave comments about your experience. The site aims to fill a gap between premium (subscription-based) restaurant ratings services and free services, which generally only offer a single overall rating. Currently we have data on many restaurants in Cambridge, MA, organized by square, and we are adding more content, as well as other levels of organization, continuously. Please try it out by rating a restaurant or adding a new restaurant to the database and, most importantly, let us know what you think. Thanks!
posted by underdetermined (0 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

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