NewsCloud Web Services and API
October 12, 2006 11:42 AM
NewsCloud Web Services and API
Today we're announcing the release of the NewsCloud Web Service and APIs as part of our effort to make NewsCloud into a fully open platform for media distribution. Our goal is to expand the potential for citizen journalism by helping developers embrace and extend our work. The NewsCloud web services will allow other community developers to easily interact and expand the stories and features at We hope the result will be a variety of cool mashups, customized Web sites with media content and a better NewsCloud. NewsCloud's Web Services consist of more than 50 interfaces (APIs) for interacting with our Web site. Nearly everything you can do as a user on the NewsCloud site can be done via our APIs from your own Web site. If you want to, you can even create your own news site - or design your own front page. We've tried to make it easy for Web developers to make use of our APIs with a simple PHP class. By using our NewsCloud PHP class with your code, interacting with data from our site becomes as easy as manipulating any PHP array data. We've also built a number of examples for which we're sharing the source code: The Cloud Report - a custom front page, a mini-text-based version of NewsCloud for PDAs, a customized version of your journal page (clippings from all your news stories), a personal tag cloud, a custom group page featuring Daily Show content, example sign in and registration forms, a keyword-based image roll and more. These are just a start - but the potential is vast. We'll be improving and adding to the samples over time with help from our developer community. We've also integrated AJAX using the Prototype Javascript Framework into our registration and voting example to show developers an easy way to take advantage of the interactive elements we use on NewsCloud. We'll be building more AJAX examples over time. More here as well:
Today we're announcing the release of the NewsCloud Web Service and APIs as part of our effort to make NewsCloud into a fully open platform for media distribution. Our goal is to expand the potential for citizen journalism by helping developers embrace and extend our work. The NewsCloud web services will allow other community developers to easily interact and expand the stories and features at We hope the result will be a variety of cool mashups, customized Web sites with media content and a better NewsCloud. NewsCloud's Web Services consist of more than 50 interfaces (APIs) for interacting with our Web site. Nearly everything you can do as a user on the NewsCloud site can be done via our APIs from your own Web site. If you want to, you can even create your own news site - or design your own front page. We've tried to make it easy for Web developers to make use of our APIs with a simple PHP class. By using our NewsCloud PHP class with your code, interacting with data from our site becomes as easy as manipulating any PHP array data. We've also built a number of examples for which we're sharing the source code: The Cloud Report - a custom front page, a mini-text-based version of NewsCloud for PDAs, a customized version of your journal page (clippings from all your news stories), a personal tag cloud, a custom group page featuring Daily Show content, example sign in and registration forms, a keyword-based image roll and more. These are just a start - but the potential is vast. We'll be improving and adding to the samples over time with help from our developer community. We've also integrated AJAX using the Prototype Javascript Framework into our registration and voting example to show developers an easy way to take advantage of the interactive elements we use on NewsCloud. We'll be building more AJAX examples over time. More here as well:
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