The Islands Of The World
October 4, 2021 3:11 PM   Subscribe

The Islands Of The World
"An artefact from another world, The Islands Of The World is a guidebook to the many strange and wonderful places that exist out there across the endless immensity of the seas. Here among these hundred islands you will find wonders and whales, mountains and mermaids, sorrow and silence, forever frozen fields and ever-burning flames, alongside a treasure trove of carefully curated illustrations from around the world." The Islands Of The World is a series of 90-odd short, poetic descriptions of mythical islands, paired with wonderful old public domain illustrations of faraway places. Alongside the website, a fully-illustrated print version is also available for £9.99/$12.99 (it's quite nice).

I think it works better as a book (as something to dip into and out of whenever you want), but the whole thing is available at the website as wel (and it's still okay there too, I hoep). Or you can follow me on twitter and see an island a day there instead, if that's your sort of thing.
Role: writer
posted by dng (2 comments total)

It looks beautiful. And it looks like it's nice in a book format. Did you think it will also be published in an .epub?
posted by schmudde at 4:45 AM on October 14, 2021

Yeah, of course. You can download it here (for free/pay what you want).

Hope you like it. Cheers.
posted by dng at 6:04 AM on October 14, 2021

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